Now here we are out back just beginning to watch Spring happen. The artichokes are doing well and the California poppies are just starting to open.

And do we have anemones? I'll say we do! They're going crazy this year. Coming up where I've never seen them before. I wonder -- is some critter spreading them around. But who's complainin'?

Wow! Aren't the rocks doing well! And the grape hyacinths which didn't get planted somewhere last Fall got put into some pots six weeks ago and are now doing what they're supposed to do!

Here's a purple pre-iris and some espalliered Braeburn apple pre-blossoms.
I'm hoping for lots of iris this year.
Should happen, what with the number of sub-freezing nights we had this past Winter.
Yes, it's definitely Spring.
The birds and the bees are out in full force, so we're getting pollinated, folks.
The espalliered pear with 4 varieties has 3 varieties blooming.
Here's a comice branch:
I missed taking photos
of the blossoms of the strawberry patch,
the blueberry bushes, and the peach tree.
Next time. Go figure!
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